Right Brain Left Brain

We all have a power within us that can help us to reach the greatest heights possible. This power comes from the right side of the brain. Our society likes to play down the right brain skills. We are told that we need to go to school and become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. We…

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You Make Time for What is Important

One of the main problems I see that many people have is that they have all of their priorities mixed up. The get so bogged down in the day to day crises that come at them they have not taken the time to figure out why they are doing what they are doing. They do…

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Keep Learning or Fall Behind

Today we live in the information age. The great thing is that information is infinite and keeps growing. You probably have heard the phrase “information is power”; it is more so now then it ever has been. With all of the information so readily available it is so easy to learn more and make progress…

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Free your mind and reduce your stress

Many of us have become used to the constant onslaught on responsibilities, information, and advertisements that we are living with a constant level of stress. We have obligations to our creditors, husbands, wifes, children, and bosses. With all of these obligations our minds are constantly occupied. Maybe not enough to overwhelm you but enough to…

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You need to figure out who you are

In our culture we tend to look outwardly to find the answers and our fulfillment but this is the wrong path. You need to start looking at yourself first. You need to figure out who you are and this is the going to be the most difficult part of this process. Have you ever had…

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You are supposed to love your work

In my working career I have found people that are going to work every day unhappy with their job. You can identify these people by asking the question “how are you” and they will answer something like “I am here”, “living the dream”, “just getting by”, or something similar. These people have told themselves that…

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Why you should be an Entrepreneur

If you have ever spent more than an hour with me you may have noticed that I am in some way or another telling you to start a business. I have seen how it has benefited me and I want to share the enjoyment with everyone. I see it as the solution to the many…

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I do not agree with the socialist philosophy but I want to learn more about it because I want to better empathize with people that think differently from me. In my quest for this empathy I have been in search of someone that had the maturity and insight to explain their point of view on…

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I need help with Socalism

Here are my thoughts on capitalism: First, to be honest I have not studied capitalism so I do not know the strict definition but I believe my thoughts align with the philosophy, please correct me if I am wrong. First I believe that capitalism most closely mirrors nature (survival of the fittest) and the concept…

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What is Money?

Money is a very complicated subject. It represents many things to us. Many people have a much distorted view of money that allows it to complicate our lives, end relationships, and keeps them from having much of it. One thing money represents to us is time. If you make money for spending a certain time…

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What Drives You

From my experience only about 10 percent of people are willing to do the work to change a discomfort in their lives. I have encountered so many people that complain about a certain situation in their lives and when I press them to consider changing something most of them immediately make some excuse why it…

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You can choose how life affects you and you can choose to be happy. It is not what happens to us that makes us unhappy it is how we accept what happens that makes unhappy. In other words: when you are unhappy it is because you have chosen to be unhappy. For instance: if you…

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Mastermind Alliance

You are the average of the people you hang around with. I believe this to be true so if you want to expand your horizons you need to be around people that are where you want to be. If you want to make more money then you need to spend time with people that are…

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Placing your Insecurities on Others

If someone has achieved something then they have the right to happy about what they have achieved. For example, Ron Morris (www.TAERADIO.com) was talking about his overcoming cancer. He mentioned that it was sheer will, he was just happy that he made it through insurmountable odds and he has more years to share his wisdom…

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Goals 2010

For the last couple of years I have set my goals for the upcoming year at about this time (I stole this from Dan Miller). Something I realized last night when I reviewing my goals for this year and making the ones for next is that I am growing. A year ago I was pretty…

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I am back

It has been quite a while since I last posted because I have been traveling to France for my job. I made some more life time friends and learned a lot about the French culture. One of the things that I really appreciated and believe Americans need to consider is respecting their personal time and…

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Expand Your World

I recently received a comment on one of my previous posts which an individual shared some differing opinions on the education system. I really appreciated these comments because it helped to expand my world view. This lesson is important to everyone who wishes to be successful. You need to surround yourself with people that do…

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The Joy of Exercise

I go to the gym very often and I have noticed 2 kinds of people.  First are the people that enjoy being at the gym and there are those who view it as a chore.  I am a part of the former group; I enjoy going to the gym.   The problem I have is with…

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Our Education System Sucks

Here is another letter I wrote, this time about our education system. I was listening to your Thursday show and one of the professors mentioned that the Secretary of Education believes that we need to start going to school longer. I believe that is a load of bull. I think we need to start actually…

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You Have To Keep on Keepin’ On

If you have ever tried to start a business you realize that is is probably one of the hardest things to do. You are constantly working and learning trying to take what you are doing to the next level. You work day in and day out with little to show for it besides your tired…

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