Optimizing Knowledge Work: Streamlining Connections through Lean Principles

Continuing on from last week’s post, once you have all of the key processes identified and flow defined, the next step in implementing Lean manufacturing principles in knowledge work is to analyze the connections between people.

The individual providing the product is the supplier and the one receiving the product is the customer.

These connections should be simple (limited options for completing the tasks) with clear a signal when an action is needed. When connections are not simple there is increased variability in how a task is accomplished making it slower and adding risk to successful completion. When signals are not clear then a process may be delayed.

In knowledge work, we tend to use a push system as compared to manufacturing where they strive for a pull system. The problem with a push system is that work keeps being piled on the supplier creating an infinite queue of work that is never done.

Funny Instagram Post because I am throwing a pizza party for my team this week: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzWZOUFrt9Z/

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