SpongeBob Mentality

I am a huge fan of SpongeBob Squarepants mainly because I enjoy the silliness of it. If we look at SpongeBob a little bit deeper there are a few things we can learn from him. First, no matter the challenge he always has a positive outlook. With this positive outlook he has the drive to overcome the challange,…

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Move Beyond The Status Quo

We have created a system in society where we are trained to be employees. We are trained to find comfort. This begins as soon as our first day of school. For some of us it begins from our parents. We are told to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer because these occupations pay good money.…

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You Can Change Your Life

I believe that I have defined the message I want to share through my business. It is from what I have seen working in the corporate world and people in general. I have seen that many people are unhappy with their jobs and the bad part is their job takes up at least a third…

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You are supposed to love your work

In my working career I have found people that are going to work every day unhappy with their job. You can identify these people by asking the question “how are you” and they will answer something like “I am here”, “living the dream”, “just getting by”, or something similar. These people have told themselves that…

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