What if We Lost Everything-What Would We Replace

What would we replace if we lost everything in a fire? Some clothes, our computers, our cars, some kitchen stuff…maybe the TV. Probably not the PlayStation. We would replace the things that we use every day. There would be so much that we wouldn’t replace. What would I not even notice that was missing?

Imagine what it would be like replacing all your stuff at once. It seems like a lot of work. The interesting thing is that we spent that time and effort acquiring the stuff in the first place but did not realize it since it was a little here and a little there. How much time and energy did I waste to acquire the things we barely use. This is one of those hidden wastes of acquiring so much stuff.

I feel like I should start asking the following question when I am on the fence in getting rid of something: If I lost it in a fire would I replace it? If I would not replace it, maybe I should get rid of it now. Maybe this should be the driving question to get rid of stuff.

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