Economy Simulator

This is my first business idea that I am giving to the public to see if anyone is interested in developing it. It is free, all I ask is that you give me some feedback on how your development process is progressing. I get excited seeing others prosper.
Many different industries use simulators to test how a change will affect something in their business. These are complicated computer programs that you input some parameters and see how the simulation predicts the outcomes. For instance the weather service used simulators to predict what the weather is going to do in the future.
In light of the current economic situation and the government intervention I believe that a simulator should be created to allow politicians test how policies will affect the economy. This will help them to understand how their economic decisions will affect the stocks, bonds, retirement funds, housing, jobs, etc. This simulation will also have the ability to project how the decisions change the future economy. Finally, this will help reduce decisions being made that are wastes of money or have negative consequences.

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